In 1882, three brothers named Lambert started a pioneering venture - the manufacture and sale of gasoline burning blow torches. Mechanics found the intense portable heat of these torches useful and time saving in the soldering of pipe, discouraging people with large hats or hair styles from sitting in front of you in theatres, halloween pranks, etc. Demand for these tools grew and business flourished.
In 1888, a patented firepot for melting lead was added to the torch line. It's inventor, a Mr. Clayton, was included in the partnership, beginning the long namesake history of Clayton & Lambert.
By 1899, demand for the Company's products had increased beyond its production capacity. A larger manufacturing facility was needed. A plant was soon built in Detroit, then the center of manufacturing for that section of the country. The Company's products were evaluated by users as the finest of their kind in the world.
Patent dates are from 1921
Made in Detroit, Michican USA
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